This May be It

When I was pregnant for my first born, Kristina, I felt intimately close to Jesus in a way that I can’t really describe. It was such a gift. Even though I had the typical morning sickness and exhaustion while in my last year of college and doing clinicals at the local hospital, knowing she was to be mine was a gift beyond measure!

I remember scribbling down my feelings of awe and gratitude to our Lord for this little life growing inside me. My scribbling evolved into a poem to her and I’ve kept it all these years. Kristina now has five kids of her own and has richly blessed us with them!

Ask anyone who knows me well if I’m idealistic. Apparently I am more than I realize! Because, back then, I thought it’d be easy to write about the sweet miracles that would follow her, including my sweet grandchildren. (What was I thinking?)

Needless to say, that was my only poem, but each baby since then has been ever so very precious and deserving of one!

Both of my girls have blessed us with a total of nine grandchildren. And perhaps this “may be it” from them. So guess what I did?

I was sitting at the airport the other day awaiting my flight to help out before Michelle was to go into labor. I had time to spare and as I pondered and prayed for this new little life I thought, “Well, maybe I’ll give it a go”! It may be a simple poem, but it’s heart-felt nonetheless.  So, I have bookends: a poem for my first born and one for the potentially last born from my girls:

“Oh sweet little baby boy,

God’s prepared you to bring us joy!

He’s been forming you in your mother’s womb.

But now, sweet baby, it’s time to come.

What awe your big brother shows,

He can’t see you but he certainly knows

That your kicks prove what he knows is true,

You’re soon to be part of this family too!

So, yes, sweet baby, it’s time to come.

They can’t wait to meet you, you know.

And when we speak of you, their faces glow!

So please, sweet baby, it’s time. Please come!

You’ll be unique and precious in every way.

And they keep asking, “Could it be today?”

So, please sweet baby, come today!

We await you with open hearts,

And we’re certain that from the start,

You’ll win us over on day one.

But please little one, it’s time to come.

With you, many a blessing God will provide.

And your entire life will be taken in stride.

So, please little one, it’s time to come!

Your parents have trusted in God’s care,

Because they walk with Him daily in fervent prayer

That they would be the parents He wants them to be

As they ask for wisdom on bended knee.

So welcome, little one. It’s time to come.

May God‘s Hand grow you spiritually strong.

And may you serve Him above and beyond.

We know you will love Him as you grow,

Because your family will ask God to bestow

On you that gift that comes from Him alone,

And that is … to be His very own!

We can’t wait to meet you little one.

So yes, sweet baby, it’s time to come.”

PEREGRINE SAGE HAAS was born early this morning, 1:01 a.m. at 7 lbs. 15 oz. Welcome little one!

We love you!
